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Important information about the Swedish Foundation Edgar Cayce Center - Nov 14, 2024

The Foundation is coming to an end later this year 2024.

BUT the good news is - that it is only the Foundation.
The Edgar Cayce Center is going to continue.

We continue to spread information about Edgar Cayce.

The foundation ends but not the people doing the Cayce work behind it.
So we make a new start next year.

1) The homepage www.edgarcayce.se is still going to be there. Slightly different - old stuff is going to be there in an archived form - with lessons, etc.

2) We are going to send out a digital newsletter in Swedish to interested people in Sweden, in Canada and other places.

Here is a link to a form page for requests about that >> I want information from edgar cayce center (In Swedish).

3) We continue to publish our former ordinary newsletter KÄLLAN in a digital version as a PDF but in shorter version. It will be sent to interested people. It can be downloaded an printed to paper. Send in or tips on articles that coulf be of use for this, as a book I have read, etc.

4) We are starting a new Swedish studygroup - ASFG in March 2025.

5) Life does not end - it just changes and so even we, our Foundation has been here for 30 years for us and you.

Best Cayce-greetings!
the Board
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