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Cayce Conference no 32 - October 12-13, 2024

Soul stories from the Vault & Cayce´s Philosophy of Nature and Science

Santosh Kaler is a long time Cayce student. She is located in England and has been working with holistic health since 1999. She is well grounded in the philosophy of Edgar Cayce and incorporates it in her work with clients. She come to us in Sweden giving lectures where she is going to focus on enviromental impact and importance on health, rejuvention of the Body - Temple Beautiful, Mind and co-creation, Channel of Blessings Meditation. She will also let you experience some easy ways how to integrate the Cayce principles into your daily life and she will teach about Do In Massage.

doug e knueven Jon Shatat is from Ottawa Canada and has been studying the Edgar Cayce readings for more than 25 years. He is a graduate of the Cayce Reilly School of Massage, a Cayce-trained Life Coach and conducts past life regressions. For the last 10 years, he has traveled extensively across the US interviewing reading recipients and their families. At the conference we are going to have contact online with some of the people that had received readings from Edgar Cayce.


The Swedish Foundation Edgar Cayce Center is celebrating 30 years 2024.

No charge for this event:

As participant to the conference you only have to pay for meals and eventual accomodation directly to Backagården.


REGISTRATION at September 30 at latest for participants -

NOTE - IT IS IMPORTANT TO BOOK ROOM IN ADVANCE - for booking - go to www.backagarden.se and give the code EC-konf 32 when booking room.

Soul stories from the Vault: Let the lessons from the past, sculpt your future

Thousands of people obtained readings from Edgar Cayce, and a very small percentage were told they were the reincarnation of famous people.  

Based on dozens of interviews with reading recipients, explore the people they were in this life and follow their soul growth over the ages. Understand how these entities were raised up in positions of influence and how their souls progressed over the centuries.


Go to Program conference 32

Travel info about how to come from Copenhagen Airport by train to Höör via Malmö. Approx 1 hour by train.

Go to >> www.oresundstag.se for traffic info and price. About 230 SEK. >> Travel from Copenhagen Airport

and from Stockholm City to Höör by train. Approx 5 hours by train. Switch in Hässleholm for train to Malmö, ending station is Höör.

Go to >> www.sj.se for traffic info and prices. Prices can range from a few hundred SEK and upward.

Go to this page >> Travel in Sweden

See the registration form for more details and latest dates for registration. The lectures are recorded into the audioformat mp3.


>> Program conference 32



eng flag English invitation to conference no 32 >> Invitation 32EN

eng flag English registration form >> PDF 32EN

eng flag English registration online >> Register online 32

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